
where it starts...

 Growing up, I did not think much of self-love and all that stuff.  I only knew that I was "too sensitive" and that part about me, I did not like.  It made me feel kind of odd, more like a package with a "fragile" label, and I did not feel fragile in the full sense, nor was I treated as such.  I was rebellious, at least inside of me, hard-headed and full of an adventurous soul.  It is true that I was easily hurt and would cry silently to heal the wounds.  I was also just as sensitive if I hurt someone else.  I would stay up most of the night wondering how to correct or take back what I said or did. I did not learn about self love but I knew there were some things that I hated about myself and that were less than welcome; one of them was the too much sensitivity.  Another thing akin to it was when people called me "dreamy" but it always sounded like an insult. that one, too.   My shyness! OMG! that was so hard! I found it hard to speak up when I was outside